
Dr. Jingjing Ren

Security&ML@Netflix, PhD, Advisor@Roxxem

Advancing R&D For A Better Online Experience


Recent Updates

  • July 2023

    I wrote about "How Security Will Evolve in This Age of AI"
  • Dec 2022

    I wrote about how ML and GenAI will unlock unlimited opportunities for Roxxem language learners
  • Sep 2021

    Excited to be joining the Netflix Client Security Team to protect all Netflix apps and products
  • Feb 2020

    My paper was presented at NDSS 2020@San Diego.FLOWPRINT: Semi-Supervised Mobile-App Fingerprinting on Encrypted Network Traffic
  • Aug 2019

    I joined Netflix Open Connect as a Network Security Engineer
  • May 2019

    I defended my thesis! Thanks to all my colleagues, family and friends

Research Highlights

Mon(IoT)ring Suspicious Behaviors in Home IoT Ecosystem

Having ourselves connected to the Internet in daily life, what are the security and privacy issues and implications?.

As Featured In


In the Public


A speech I gave in Washington DC: public comments on improving consumer privacy.

More Press

Contact Me

hi AT jingjingren dot com

© 2024 Jingjing Ren